This challenge is for those of us who have books that we’ve purchased and just haven’t gotten to. I will go into what does and does not qualify for this challenge below.
- Starts January 1, 2012 and ends December 31, 2012
- Anyone can join
- You don’t have to have a blog to participate.
- Non-Bloggers feel free to share your list of books in the comment section of the monthly link up post.
- Reviews though not required are always nice.
- Audio, E-books, Bound all count
- Re-reads DO NOT count
- There is no need to come up with your list of books in advance.
- Challenge crossovers ok
- Create a sign up post and link up in the linky below.
What qualifies for this challenge?:
- Any book that you have personally purchased, been gifted, or swapped, BEFORE January 1, 2012 and just have not gotten the chance to read yet.
What DOES NOT qualify for this challenge?:
- Any book that has been purchased AFTER January 1, 2012.
- Any book that you have been asked to review
- Tour sites, Netgalley, GalleyGrab, etc.
- Library Books
Level 1 – Read 1-5 Your Own Books
Level 2 – Read 6-10 Your Own Books
Level 3 – Read 11-20 Your Own Books
Level 4 – Read 21+ Your Own Books
For now, my goal is Level 2.
My Book List:
1) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
2) Blueberry Muffin Murder by Joanne Fluke
3) Dark Lover by J R Ward
4) Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols
5) Forget You by Jennifer Echols
6) Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank
7) Gideon by Jacquelyn Frank

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I reserve the right to remove any comments which I consider to be attacking another commenter's character or mine. I have no problem with debates and disagreements, but there is no reason to make personal attacks against another person for their views. I will also delete spam.