Enquiring Minds Want To Know is a weekly feature hosted by Lori @ Dollycas's Thoughts.
Week 33 Questions:
How often do you go to the hair salon or beauty parlor?
- Never actually. I cut my hair myself with a pair of salon grade scissors and the mirror. I've done this for about 6 months now and have become rather good at it. I trim it up roughly once every month. I've even taken off roughly 4 or 5 inches this way. Before that it was only about once or twice a year at an actual salon. I have curly hair, and I rarely felt good about the cut when I left.
- I've never had a professional massage. My boyfriend has given me a few back massages, but that's about it.
- Judging from question two, you probably know the answer to this. I've never been to a spa.

Welcome, I am so glad you are joining us!!!!
My husband cuts his own hair but I won't let him near mine :)
Sometimes boyfriend massages are the best kind!!!
Hope to see you next week!!!
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