Please link to your reviews for the challenge in a comment below. Please include the following: blog name - book title and author - link. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm sure we'd all love to see what you think of these books, so please share your links for all reviews for the challenge. Thank you for participating!

The 1st book Ii read for the challenge - The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides (Girlxoxo.com). Definitely literary fiction through & through. I don't think it's going to make any part of my list for best books read this year.
The 2nd book I read for the challenge: The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan. Not sure this one would have made my list of favorites either, but I can see it's appeal.
Book #3 - The Daughter of Smoke & Bone. Loved it!
Book #4 - Akata Witch. Really liked it.
Book #5 - The Night Strangers. Another one I liked (but not loved).
Book #6 (final book for the challenge) - Among Others, Jo Walton. Didn't love this one though.
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