This week's topic is Top Ten Jerks in Literature (all those jerky guys in books...those who truly were and those who just acted like one but could be quite lovable).

- Daniel and Cam - Fallen by Lauren Kate
- Bradley - Tantalize by Cynthia Leitich Smith
- Kyle - The Host by Stephenie Meyer
- Joe Morelli - Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich
- Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Peter Pettigrew - Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling
- Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, and the Volturi - Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
- Eric Northman, Bill Compton, and Jason Stackhouse - Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris
- Damon Salvatore - Vampire Diaries series by L. J. Smith

This was absolutely eerie; I found myself shivering. I pulled the sides of my windbreaker together and, with a tiny sound, zipped it shut. -pg 7

Questions begged answers, and the only way I was going to get some anytime soon was to go straight to the source. -pg 28

Shakespeare's Landlord sounds good! How are you enjoying it?
Here my teaser:
I thought about adding Bill Compton, I got fed up of his behaviour quickly, though I have a book crush on Eric so wouldn't put him in my list :)
@ Yvonne
I'm not too far into it yet. So far I like it, but not quite as well as her Sookie Stackhouse series. I plan on trying her other two mystery series too (Aurora Teagarden and Harper Connelly).
@ Ellie
I have a book crush on Eric too! He's just sexy. :)
Hi Cassandra!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my TT earlier today, I appreciate it :)
I like your Top 10 Jerks list haha-- it has also been awhile since I read Fallen, but yeah, I definitely remember Daniel being the biggest jerk EVER-- not my fave book, but I do have Torment in my TBR, so we'll have to see how he turns out!
Have a great week :)
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
Great choices & I agree on your top 10 ;)
My TT is here.. http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com
Have a nice week.
Wonderful teaser selections. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2011/05/teaser-tuesdays-22-britannia-road.html
HeeHee -- I love book crushes! :)
Damon made my list, too. I've only read the first book, so I don't know if he becomes less jerky later on (or if his jerkiness is explained).
Both of your teaser titles sound fun. Good choices for teasers. If you get a chance, my teaser is here.
Ah, just found your blog and love it.
What a great list of bad boys. Jace from City of Bones and Patch from Hush Hush would be on my list as well. ;) Love a bad boy everyone once in a while.
Nice teasers as well. New Follower!!!!
Please do feel free to stop by to see the Cover Reveal of The Rift Walker.
Mad Scientist
Steampunkery & Book Reviews
For The L♥ve of Reading
Daniel, Draco, and Edward made our list too. I totally forgot about Bradley, but I agree, major jerk. Jason Stackhouse is also a great pick!
Reading Lark's Top 10
LOL! I had to laugh at the fact that you listed Edward and Jacob. Well, I guess we're all jerks once in a while, right?
Jennifer of Little Shelf
So, I tagged you in a little meme! Feel free to playalong, or not! :) It's just for fun.
Jennifer of Little Shelf
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