I put up a new blog layout today. I think it fits what I had in mind originally better. It's less YA looking than my previous layout. Since this isn't just a YA blog, I wanted to give it a more clean/sophisticated look. I also didn't want it to be deceiving as mysteries and romance novels will also be reviewed. I think this fits a good balance of the three. Let me know what you think.
Returned and picked up a couple books from the library this week.

I love the layout!
Hi Cassandra, I was just browsing through the IMM list for this week on The Story Siren, and came across your blog-- I am now a new follower :)
I really like your new design and layout, don't know what the old one looked like, but the color is really pretty! Very simple yet elegant...
Anyways, feel free to stop by and visit me sometime, I review YA, although I like to read more grown-up stuff too, so I have a mix of different blogger friends :)
Happy reading!
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
You used to have the scrap booking looking background, right? I was thrown off until I read that you changed it. LOL! I like it! It definitely has a more sophisticated. :)
I loved Matched! It's gotten some mixed reviews, but I couldn't put it down.
The cover for When Harry Met Molly is super cute!
Jennifer of Little Shelf
@ Lisa - Thank you. :D
@ Lea - Thanks! The color is one of my favorites.
@ Jennifer - I did. It was blue, yellow, and purple with stars and things. Thank you! I've been waiting forever for Matched, so I'm excited to finally get it.
I have Matched sitting on my shelf, I need to get to it soon. I hope you enjoy it!
I like both layouts. And yeah, the only one that I've read in that list is Matched. Pretty good. I love her grandpa. It let me wanting for the sequel! Be prepared to be left with a cliffhanger.
I love your new layout! Also, can't wait to see what you think of Matched! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and I'm a new follower of yours--and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your reviews! :) Happy reading! <3
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